Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Color, color everywhere

Linda W - Color

This exercise opened my eyes to just how much color I wasn't seeing. A first instinct was to convert the bench photos to black & white...a poor choice. As shot, one can see not only the the shades of gray but subtle browns inherent to weathered wood. A closer look will reveal shades of green & rust on the buds. The second bench photo introduces blues, more shades of green & brown. When converted to B & W the third photo appears to be of an area in need of "clean up" however, in color it is an introduction to spring!
When overlooking the harbor I noticed this row of boats & allowed my self to pick one color to follow through the scene. Shades of brown drew my eye along the boats from right to left. Then a touch of red caught my eye on the top of the left most post. I forced myself to follow the shades of red through the scene which guided me to top of the crane.
I have often walked through the water front area & can honestly write that I was never aware of all the colors it holds until this exercise. The photo between buildings...orchid...the handrails are ORCHID!
I am please to write that I took a total of 33 photos this field trip a vast improvement over my first DP field trip to the Dragon Boat Races where I shot in excess of 200!

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