Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Flash - Matt

f/11.0, 1/125, ISO-100. WB-Flash. White Orchids on Black Background. I used no interior lighting, only the natural light coming from the windows. I bounced the flash off of the ceiling, but not toward the flowers, but backward. I found if the flash was forward, it lit up the black fabric behind the flowers making the black look gray. By bouncing backward, it still illuminated the flowers and kept the black fabric out of focus. I shot this with various aperture settings, but liked the DOF of all 3 flowers in focus as well as the 2 flower buds.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this image and you did a great job. My only critisism is the stem is almost lost in the blackness. I think a refletor of some sort would have helped bring the stem out to make the photo more complete.
