shutter -1/100s
ISO -400
On Friday we recieved a shipment of Grapefruit from my fathers garden in California. 21 pounds of grapefruit! We decided to juice them. This was the image I saw when I had all the Grapefruit cut and ready for the juicer.
The top picture is without the photoshop GND filter. The bottom photograph is with. These were taken last week, since I wasn't able to get any blue sky pictures this week. The soft light layer adds a little more color pop then I like, I brought the layer down to 35%.
Picture styles.
The top picture is set to "normal" the second picture is set the "sharper." On my computer screen I could tell the difference between the two.
My options for styles are: Normal, Vivid, Sharper, Softer, Direct Print, Portrait, Landscape, and Custom. For some reason I left my camera in Custom before leaving for the park, so all of my images came out ORANGE! Oops. I did this exercise just as I was leaving and discovered my mistake.
I like your grapefruit shot. I can smell them and my mouth is watering. The left 2/3's to 2/4's of the shot appeals to me most. I think it is the repetition/pattern and the balance. I think I would consider cropping just to the left of the gap between the grapefruits right/center (crop off the visible triangle of table) just to see if it works. If not, I'd leave it alone. Did you use flash? I'm wondering if it could be diffused to reduce the glare off the fruit. I guess we will be learning this next class. Nice shot!