Monday, March 8, 2010

Missed Oppurtunity, well not quite

Orange Slippers 1/250 @ F 6.3 ISO 250 WB; Cloudy Focal 270 mm

While reviewing a picture on my camera I glimpsed a pair of orange slipper passing me. Odd look I thought, and I wanted a picture. By the time I got ready to shoot he had passed me by. I thought I had missed and opportunity, but I took the shot anyway. Upon reviewing the picture on my computer I realized I had gotten the better photo after all. There's movement, a direction and contrast as well.

1 comment:

  1. I liked a lot of things about this simple shot: the spontaneous opportunity that I felt it to be (even before I read your description); the great contrast between the complementary colors and the greay walkway and the way the colors really make the traveler pop out of the photo; the lines on the walkway, which ground the traveler; the way the perspective leads you to look ahead of where the traveler is. What is the "glow" in the upper right corner? I wonder how different the photo would feel if the angle of the shot had been from a lower perspective (closer to ground level)?
